Monday, April 26, 2010
Free Seminar – Learn How to Compost!
Composting kitchen scraps and garden waste will reduce your garbage by up to 59%.
Learn how to compost at this free seminar and get a voucher for a 25$ refund off the purchase of an outdoor composter unit! In addition, one composter will be drawn as a prize.
When: this coming Thursday, April 29th 7:30PM
Where: Stephen F. Shaar Community Centre, 394 Main Rd., Hudson
The seminar is given by the non-profit group Terre en Ville and sponsored by the MRC of Vaudreuil-Soulanges
Please note that this seminar will be given in English.
Conférence gratuite - Apprenez à composter !
En compostant vos restes de cuisine et de votre jardin, vous réduirez jusqu'à 59% du montant de vos déchets .
Venez apprendre comment composter lors de cette conférence gratuite et obtenez un coupon de 25$ sur l'achat d'une compostière extérieure! De plus, il y aura une compostière à gagner lors d'un tirage.
Quand: Ce jeudi 29 avril à 7h30
Où: Centre Communautaire Stephen F. Shaar, 394, rue Main, Hudson
La conférence est présentée par le groupe sans but lucratif Terre en Ville et commanditée par la MRC de Vaudreuil-Soulanges.
Veuillez noter que la conférence sera présentée en anglais.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Hudson Earth Day Fair

The birds are back, the spring flowers are blooming, and the trees, shrubs, and grass are going green. It must be time for Go Green Hudson’s Annual Earth Day Fair!
Join us for a family-friendly afternoon of good green fun. The Earth Day Fair is a great way to get to know local organizations that are making a difference and can help us live greener and better. Learn about native trees, growing food in your own yard, and discerning the truly green from the ‘greenwashed.’
Come and see or buy greener versions of just about every product you already use, or discover something new, such as: organic clothing, baby blankets, soaps, and baking; local produce; recycled bikes; rainwater barrels; geothermal heating; and much more. Remember to bring your reusable bags if you plan to shop.
Inside there will be more than 35 local businesses and non-profit organizations sharing information and exhibiting products that can help us succeed in leading more environmentally sustainable lives. Outside you can meet local farmers and the kids can enjoy fun activities organized by the Hudson Youth Centre. At the Legion, at 1 and 3 p.m. Rohini Persi, president of the Environmental Health Association of Quebec, will be giving a talk entitled ‘How Green Is Your Clean?’
- Ferme Coopérative Tourne-sol
- Justin Reeves, vegetable farmer
- Alter Eco / Créations Ecologik, rain barrels
- IGA Poirier & Fils
- Hudson Youth Centre
- Hudson Garden Club
- June Irwin, dermatologist
- Géothermie du Quebec
- True Food Ecostere, Ethiopian organic food
- McCaig Honey and skin cream
- Donava Angus Beef
- Que de Bonnes Choses
- Organic Quilt Company
- Terra Madre, natural salts
- The Green Party
- Go Green In Stages, reusable lunch containers, etc.
- BoutiqueVert et Essentiel
- Aux Grains des Saveurs, bakery
- Morgan Arboretum
- Ecocentrik Apparel, organic clothing
- Centre Décor Hudson / Benjamin Moore
- Dix Mille Villages, fair trade products
- Salon Carole St-Pierre
- Steward Bags, organic produce bags
- Green Barn Nursery / Ken Taylor, permaculture specialist
- Ace Building Supplies
- Piscines Hudson, chlorine alternatives
- Matersum Sanitary Napkins
- Green Beaver, cosmetics
- Vélos de la Gare
- Ferme Lauzon
- Marché de solidarité Vaudreuil-Soulanges
- Pond World, rain water harvesting
- À Temps Perdu, books
- Environmental Health Association of Quebec
- Plus several more local farmers
Come and celebrate Earth Day in Hudson on Sunday, April 25, from noon to 4 p.m. at the Stephen F. Shaar Community Centre, 394 Main Rd., Hudson. Admission is free.
Join us and see how Hudson is going greener every day.
Feu Vert Hudson est heureux de présenter un évènement familial pour célébrer le Jour de la Terre. Nous vous donnons rendez-vous au Centre communautaire de Hudson, situé au 394, rue Main, le dimanche 25 avril, de 12h00 à 16h00.
Sur place, vous aurez la chance de rencontrer plus de 35 éco-entrepreneurs et organisations ''vertes'' de la région qui partageront de l’information et exposeront des produits pouvant nous aider à vivre de façon plus ''verte''. A l’extérieur, vous pourrez rencontrer des fermiers de la région et il y aura aussi plusieurs activités organisées pour les plus petits. De plus, à la Légion, à 13h00 et 15h00, Rohini Persi, présidente de l’Association pour la santé environnementale du Québec, présentera une conférence intitulée ‘How Green Is Your Clean?’ (en anglais).
Nous vous attendons donc pour célébrer ensemble le Jour de la Terre ce dimanche 25 avril au Centre Communautaire Stephen F. Shaar de Hudson, au 394, rue Main, Hudson. L'entrée est gratuite. Pour plus d'information rendez-vous à ou consultez Go Green Hudson sur Facebook.
Soyez des nôtres et voyez comment Hudson se verdit un peu plus chaque jour !
Friday, April 9, 2010
The Friends of Dunes Lake invite you to join them for a walk through the bog, woods and trails surrounding Dunes Lake to raise awareness of the ecological, recreational and quality-of-life value of this area.
A road and housing development is being planned between the Bordelais Bog and Dunes Lake. This is home to many bird and animal species as well as old growth forest. It’s not too late to save this place, but we need your help! Let’s show the developers and Town Council that St. Lazare residents don’t need another road here - we want this ecologically sensitive area preserved for future generations!
Nature Interpreter Ryan Young will be our guide as we explore the bog, adjacent woods, and Dunes Lake. Come see some of the flora and fauna that make this area so special.
Date/Time: April 11, 2010, 1-2 pm
Start: Bordelais Bog parking lot (rue Yearling/Bordelais)
Bring your children, your friends and your dogs for the Walk, Easter Egg Hunt and other fun activities!
If you haven’t already signed our petition, you can do so at We’ve collected over 1570 signatures already, but we need to keep that number growing! You can help us raise greater public awareness by forwarding this message on to all your friends in this area. And don't forget to come out and join us on Sunday for a walk through this beautiful area!
Friends of Dunes Lake website
Facebook group
Media coverage:
Ecolibrium appearance on CKUT 90.3 (interview starts at 9:00 min)
Hudson Gazette, April 7
West Island Gazette, March 17
Learn more:
VIDEO: Save Dunes Lake Woods
Photo album